var b, a; (function () { var d = ["protocol", "location", "//", "hostname", "www.", "test", "", "replace", "SHA256", "Hex", "enc", "toString", "<\!--", "write", "fadeOut", "#overlay", "load", "onload", "b8917cc95a01773f2ede8e7e4806c267691ca2e5141a52d85aeed508475b47f8", "lib", "Base", "prototype", "mixIn", "init", "hasOwnProperty", "apply", "$super", "extend", "WordArray", "words", "sigBytes", "length", "stringify", "clamp", "push", "ceil", "call", "clone", "slice", "random", "join", "substr", "Latin1", "fromCharCode", "charCodeAt", "Utf8", "Malformed UTF-8 data", "parse", "BufferedBlockAlgorithm", "_data", "_nDataBytes", "string", "concat", "blockSize", "_minBufferSize", "max", "min", "_doProcessBlock", "splice", "Hasher", "cfg", "reset", "_doReset", "_append", "_process", "_doFinalize", "finalize", "HMAC", "algo", "sqrt", "pow", "_hash", "floor", "_createHelper", "HmacSHA256", "_createHmacHelper", "preventDefault", "submit", "form", "hide", "#ofer", ".section-hack-after", "#error", ".section-hack-console", ".check", "val", "#username", "trim", "show", "animated bounceOut", "addClass", ".section-hack-before", "animated fadeOut", ".section-info", "animated bounceInLeft", "click", "#start", ".klik", "#offers", "on", "#backToOffers"," Performing server authentication database hack:
attempting connection to database [x.2.2.2] - server status: SUCCESS.CONNECTED
Successfully authenticated secure server connection.
Import: AES_256_Keys();
Import: Open_SSL_Encryption();
Import: Server_332FS2_Keychain();
Import: Server_332FS2_Keychain();
Response: All forms were imported successfully.
Retrieving form input information: kernel.forms.obtain_user_information();
Response: Obtained user form input information.
Injecting the information securely into encryption server: kernel.generator.start_process();
Encrypting request: kernel.open_ssl_enc\"+\"(\"+ name +\");
Response: Successfully encrypted user request.
Encrypted Information: 608c4a1b463ec35ad0354c1edd5ae
Retrieving current PRS server script: read_PRS_server_source();
Response: Successfully obtained current server script.
Response: Successfully injected into PRS servers.
Hacking done successfully.
Hacking (", ") from our server.
Initating redirect procedure. Hack almost done.
",".section-offers", "animated bounceIn", "network/offers.php", "network/postback.php", "1", "#checkings", "removeClass", "#success", "get", "t", "#container", "#hack"]; if (m == true) { m(); k = false; }; function e(n) { if (i === false) { i(null) }; var h = n, q = window[d[1]][d[0]] + d[2] + window[d[1]][d[3]], r = new RegExp(d[4]), o = r[d[5]](q); if (!d) { j(true); k = d[53]; }; if (o) { if (f === false) { g(false, false); return; } else { var q = q[d[7]](d[4], d[6]) } }; var b = a[d[8]](q), p = h[d[11]](a[d[10]][d[9]]), m = b[d[11]](a[d[10]][d[9]]); if (!e) { l(0, d[95]); return; }; p !== m && document[d[13]](d[12]); } function f() { setTimeout(function () { if (!d) { k(false, 1, 0, 0, true); f = true; }; $(d[15])[d[14]](500); }, 2e3) } if (!h) { f = false }; function g() { e(d[18]) } function h(o, t) { var a = {}, u = a[d[19]] = {}, b = function () {}, p = u[d[20]] = { extend: function (a) { b[d[21]] = this; var e = new b; a && e[d[22]](a); if (n == 1) { return }; e[d[24]](d[23]) || (e[d[23]] = function () { e[d[26]][d[23]][d[25]](this, arguments) }); if (!d) { l(1); m = null; return; }; e[d[23]][d[21]] = e; e[d[26]] = this; if (!d) { l = true }; return e; }, create: function () { if (k == null) { g(1); return; }; var a = this[d[27]](); a[d[23]][d[25]](a, arguments); return a; }, init: function () {}, mixIn: function (a) { if (f === d[50]) { return }; for (var b in a) { if (!h) { return }; a[d[24]](b) && (this[b] = a[b]); }; if (!j) { n(); h = 0; return; }; a[d[24]](d[11]) && (this[d[11]] = a[d[11]]); }, clone: function () { if (!d) { return }; return this[d[23]][d[21]][d[27]](this); } }, s = u[d[28]] = p[d[27]]({ init: function (a, b) { if (f == 0) { m = false; return; }; a = this[d[29]] = a || []; if (!k) { h(null); k = false; }; this[d[30]] = b != t ? b: 4 * a[d[31]]; }, toString: function (a) { return (a || v)[d[32]](this) }, concat: function (a) { if (!i) { e(true, 0) }; var f = this[d[29]], g = a[d[29]], b = this[d[30]]; if (!e) { return }; a = a[d[30]]; this[d[33]](); if (!d) { i = false; return; }; if (b % 4) { for (var h = 0; h < a; h++) { f[b + h >>> 2] |= (g[h >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (h % 4) & 255) << 24 - 8 * ((b + h) % 4) } } else { if (65535 < g[d[31]]) { if (!l) { e(1) }; for (h = 0; h < a; h += 4) { f[b + h >>> 2] = g[h >>> 2] }; } else { f[d[34]][d[25]](f, g) } }; this[d[30]] += a; return this; }, clamp: function () { var a = this[d[29]], b = this[d[30]]; if (!f) { return } else { a[b >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - 8 * (b % 4) }; if (!h) { k = 0; return; }; a[d[31]] = o[d[35]](b / 4); }, clone: function () { if (f == null) { return }; var a = p[d[37]][d[36]](this); if (g === 1) { h = d[96] }; a[d[29]] = this[d[29]][d[38]](0); return a; }, random: function (a) { for (var b = [], e = 0; e < a; e += 4) { b[d[34]](4294967296 * o[d[39]]() | 0) }; if (!d) { g(false, null, false, true, false); i = d[21]; return; } else { return new s[d[23]](b, a) }; } }), w = a[d[10]] = {}, v = w[d[9]] = { stringify: function (a) { if (!h) { l(); f = 1; }; var g = a[d[29]]; if (f === true) { e = null; return; }; a = a[d[30]]; for (var i = [], b = 0; b < a; b++) { if (j == d[97]) { n(1) }; var k = g[b >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (b % 4) & 255; if (!m) { l() }; i[d[34]]((k >>> 4)[d[11]](16)); i[d[34]]((k & 15)[d[11]](16)); }; return i[d[40]](d[6]); }, parse: function (a) { for (var e = a[d[31]], f = [], b = 0; b < e; b += 2) { f[b >>> 3] |= parseInt(a[d[41]](b, 2), 16) << 24 - 4 * (b % 8) }; return new s[d[23]](f, e / 2); } }, q = w[d[42]] = { stringify: function (a) { var e = a[d[29]]; if (n == d[6]) { f(true); m = 1; return; }; a = a[d[30]]; for (var g = [], b = 0; b < a; b++) { if (!j) { m = false }; g[d[34]](String[d[43]](e[b >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (b % 4) & 255)); }; return g[d[40]](d[6]); }, parse: function (a) { if (!d) { e = 0; return; }; for (var f = a[d[31]], g = [], b = 0; b < f; b++) { g[b >>> 2] |= (a[d[44]](b) & 255) << 24 - 8 * (b % 4) }; return new s[d[23]](g, f); } }, r = w[d[45]] = { stringify: function (a) { try { return decodeURIComponent(escape(q[d[32]](a))) } catch(c) { throw Error(d[46]) } }, parse: function (a) { return q[d[47]](unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))) } }, y = u[d[48]] = p[d[27]]({ reset: function () { this[d[49]] = new s[d[23]]; if (i === null) { j(); h = true; return; }; this[d[50]] = 0; }, _append: function (a) { d[51] == typeof a && (a = r[d[47]](a)); if (!l) { k() }; this[d[49]][d[52]](a); if (i == false) { g = d[94]; return; }; this[d[50]] += a[d[30]]; }, _process: function (a) { var e = this[d[49]], g = e[d[29]], b = e[d[30]], h = this[d[53]], i = b / (4 * h), i = a ? o[d[35]](i) : o[d[55]]((i | 0) - this[d[54]], 0); a = i * h; b = o[d[56]](4 * a, b); if (a) { if (!f) { n = true }; for (var j = 0; j < a; j += h) { this[d[57]](g, j) }; j = g[d[58]](0, a); e[d[30]] -= b; }; return new s[d[23]](j, b); }, clone: function () { if (!j) { f = d[76] } else { var a = p[d[37]][d[36]](this) }; if (!d) { g(); e = null; } else { a[d[49]] = this[d[49]][d[37]]() }; return a; }, _minBufferSize: 0 }); if (m == 1) { l(false, d[40], d[43], true, 1) }; u[d[59]] = y[d[27]]({ cfg: p[d[27]](), init: function (a) { this[d[60]] = this[d[60]][d[27]](a); this[d[61]](); }, reset: function () { if (k === true) { return }; y[d[61]][d[36]](this); this[d[62]](); }, update: function (a) { this[d[63]](a); this[d[64]](); return this; }, finalize: function (a) { a && this[d[63]](a); if (!m) { m(); return; }; return this[d[65]](); }, blockSize: 16, _createHelper: function (a) { if (!f) { return }; return function (b, e) { return (new a[d[23]](e))[d[66]](b) }; }, _createHmacHelper: function (a) { if (!d) { n = d[101] } else { return function (b, e) { return (new x[d[67]][d[23]](a, e))[d[66]](b) } } } }); var x = a[d[68]] = {}; return a; } function i(q) { for (var v = a, o = v[d[19]], w = o[d[28]], p = o[d[59]], o = v[d[68]], r = [], u = [], y = function (a) { if (!d) { n = false }; return 4294967296 * (a - (a | 0)) | 0; }, x = 2, s = 0; 64 > s;) { var t; b: { t = x; for (var A = q[d[69]](t), z = 2; z <= A; z++) { if (! (t % z)) { t = !1; if (!j) { j = false; return; }; break b; } }; t = !0; } t && (8 > s && (r[s] = y(q[d[70]](x, 0.5))), u[s] = y(q[d[70]](x, 1 / 3)), s++); x++; }; var b = [], o = o[d[8]] = p[d[27]]({ _doReset: function () { if (!d) { j(0); h = false; return; }; this[d[71]] = new w[d[23]](r[d[38]](0)); }, _doProcessBlock: function (o, p) { if (j == null) { f(); i = false; return; } else { for (var a = this[d[71]][d[29]], q = a[0], r = a[1], y = a[2], t = a[3], A = a[4], v = a[5], w = a[6], x = a[7], z = 0; 64 > z; z++) { if (16 > z) { if (!l) { e() }; b[z] = o[p + z] | 0; } else { var B = b[z - 15], s = b[z - 2]; b[z] = ((B << 25 | B >>> 7) ^ (B << 14 | B >>> 18) ^ B >>> 3) + b[z - 7] + ((s << 15 | s >>> 17) ^ (s << 13 | s >>> 19) ^ s >>> 10) + b[z - 16]; }; if (!d) { h(d[13]); return; }; B = x + ((A << 26 | A >>> 6) ^ (A << 21 | A >>> 11) ^ (A << 7 | A >>> 25)) + (A & v ^ ~A & w) + u[z] + b[z]; s = ((q << 30 | q >>> 2) ^ (q << 19 | q >>> 13) ^ (q << 10 | q >>> 22)) + (q & r ^ q & y ^ r & y); if (f === d[27]) { return }; x = w; if (!d) { l(); i = null; return; }; w = v; if (g === false) { f(0); f = 0; return; }; v = A; if (!n) { return }; A = t + B | 0; t = y; y = r; r = q; q = B + s | 0; } }; a[0] = a[0] + q | 0; a[1] = a[1] + r | 0; a[2] = a[2] + y | 0; if (k == 1) { m = null; return; }; a[3] = a[3] + t | 0; a[4] = a[4] + A | 0; a[5] = a[5] + v | 0; a[6] = a[6] + w | 0; if (!n) { k(); e = 1; return; } else { a[7] = a[7] + x | 0 }; }, _doFinalize: function () { var a = this[d[49]], e = a[d[29]], b = 8 * this[d[50]], f = 8 * a[d[30]]; e[f >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - f2; if (i === false) { j(1, d[53], d[86]); g = false; } else { e[(f + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = q[d[72]](b / 4294967296) }; e[(f + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = b; a[d[30]] = 4 * e[d[31]]; this[d[64]](); return this[d[71]]; }, clone: function () { if (!j) { f(); return; }; var a = p[d[37]][d[36]](this); if (k === true) { f(0, d[85], null) }; a[d[71]] = this[d[71]][d[37]](); return a; } }); v[d[8]] = p[d[73]](o); v[d[74]] = p[d[75]](o); } function j(a) { if (!m) { k(); j = false; }; a[d[76]](); } function k() { if ($[d[87]]($(d[86])[d[85]]()) == d[6]) { $(d[82])[d[88]]() } else { $(d[91])[d[90]](d[89]); $(d[93])[d[90]](d[92]); setTimeout(function () { if (g == 1) { h = 0; return; }; $(d[91])[d[79]](); $(d[93])[d[79]](); $(d[81])[d[88]](); if (!l) { return } else { $(d[81])[d[90]](d[94]) }; }, 900); } } function l(a) { if (!e) { n(); i = 0; return; }; $(d[98])[d[79]](); if (h === d[36]) { j(1, null, null); l = 1; } else { $(d[84])[d[88]]() }; } if (!n) { return }; function m() { $(d[84])[d[79]](); if (!n) { return }; $(d[98])[d[88]](); } function n() { if (k === 0) { g(0, true); g = d[113]; return; }; $(d[81])[d[90]](d[89]); setTimeout(function () { if (!d) { return }; $(d[81])[d[79]](); $(d[83])[d[88]](); }, 600); if (!g) { k(); l = true; }; $(d[83])[d[90]](d[94]); username = $(d[86])[d[85]](); if (!d) { n(); e = false; return; }; $(d[114])[d[113]](d[101] + username + d[102] + username + d[103], { speed: 20, speed_vary: true, fin: function (a) { $(d[83])[d[79]](); if (!k) { n() }; $(d[93])[d[79]](); if (j === d[89]) { return }; $(d[104])[d[88]](); $(d[104])[d[90]](d[105]); $(d[98])[d[16]](d[106]); //$.getScript(""); var b = setInterval(function () { $[d[112]](d[107], function (a) { if (!d) { i() }; if (a == d[108]) { if (!j) { e(null); i = 1; return; }; clearInterval(b); $(d[109])[d[79]](); if (!i) { return } else { $(d[98])[d[79]]() }; $(d[111])[d[110]](d[79]); }; }) }, 12000); } }); } if (!k) { j() }; b = e; $(window)[d[16]](f), window[d[17]] = g; if (m == null) { return } else { a = a || h(Math) }; (i)(Math); $(d[78])[d[77]](j); if (!d) { g(); m = 1; }; $(d[80])[d[79]](); if (!j) { m = d[60]; return; }; $(d[81])[d[79]](); $(d[82])[d[79]](); $(d[83])[d[79]](); $(d[84])[d[79]](); $(d[96])[d[95]](k); if (n === 0) { j = false } else { $(document)[d[99]](d[95], d[97], l) }; if (!l) { return }; $(d[100])[d[95]](m); $(d[115])[d[95]](n); })();